Offering information that empowers, support that soothes for a birth that transforms.

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How can a Doula Help Me?

If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.” 

– John Kennell, Pediatrician and Researcher

When doulas are present offering continuous support throughout labor and delivery:

  • The use of Pitocin goes down by 31% (i.e., fewer inductions)
  • C-section rates decrease by 28% while there is a 12% increase in spontaneous vaginal births.
  • The need for pain medications decreases by 9%; essentially, the presence of a doula in birth will reduce pain!
  • Labor shortens
  • Newborns being admitted into special care is decreased by 14%.
  • Newborn health Apgar scores are higher
  • There is a 34% decrease in dissatisfaction with the birth experience -the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience – birth satisfaction is increased with the presence of a doula!

“Rebecca was amazing! She provided very informative classes to help us understand what to expect during pregnancy, labor & delivery, postpartum, and breastfeeding. She talked to us about our birth plan and helped us feel good about our decisions. During labor she provided support not just to me but to my husband by talking him through what was happening when I couldn’t and helping him find ways to help me through contractions. She came prepared and brought tools like a heating pad to help me through contractions and helped me find different positions to try. During delivery, she helped my husband understand what he was seeing and how he could help me, while she was also supporting and cheering me on each push. She was checked in on us a few times after the birth and provided tips for healing and breastfeeding. We want her to be our doula for any other kids we have!”

– Alisha Richards

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